The New Mexico Pageant of Bands is a competition offering an opportunity for all New Mexico High School marching bands to be evaluated by professionals. It provides an arena for displaying musical and marching skills. The primary purpose is to recognize and reward musical excellence and provide a quality evaluation with every effort made to foster good sportsmanship and to stimulate more interest in marching bands throughout the state.
Parent volunteers from local high school band booster clubs plan, organize and present the Pageant. It takes many hours year round to bring about the competition. All policy is determined by this non-profit volunteer organization, which functions as an autonomous body independent of any public or private institution. Funds generated by the event meet the expenses of producing the New Mexico Pageant of Bands, provides funding for future Pageant of Bands competitions, and helps benefit high school band programs by returning proceeds back to Pageant of Band member schools.
Numerous volunteers have given thousands of hours over the years to make the New Mexico Pageant of Bands what it is today. We take pride in honoring students who make a valuable contribution to society through their talent and effort. We salute the parents, families, teachers, and friends who believe in these youth. We thank all the band directors for their timeless dedication to their students, for without them, there would be no Pageant of Bands. And finally we thank the students for their dedication to early morning, after-school, and weekend rehearsals, sectionals, band camps, parades, football games, and additional marching competitions throughout the Fall.
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